

You will find updated articles on the latest news and technologies in the water treatment sector.

How Water Hardness Affects Your Home

Per durezza si intende l’insieme totale di sali di calcio e magnesio disciolti nell’acqua, valore...

PFAS: The Invisible Chemicals in Everyday Products and Their Effects

I PFAS (perfluoroalchilici e polifluoralchilici) sono un gruppo di composti chimici sintetici utilizzati in una...

Filters, Softeners, Reverse Osmosis Systems: Which Solution Should You Recommend to Your Customers?

Mantenere corretti ed adeguati livelli di idratazione è fondamentale per il nostro organismo poiché contribuisce...

Improve (Also) the Quality of Your Sleep Through Proper Hydration

Maintaining correct and adequate hydration levels is essential for our body as it helps reduce...

The Truth About the Water You Drink: How to Ensure Its Quality

The quality of the water we consume is essential for our health and well-being. Contaminated...

Innovations in water treatment: how technology is changing the game

The study that led to the treatment of water is one of the testimonies of...