PFAS: The Invisible Chemicals in Everyday Products and Their Effects
I PFAS (perfluoroalchilici e polifluoralchilici) sono un gruppo di composti chimici sintetici utilizzati in una vasta gamma di prodotti industriali e di consumo (utensili da cucina, rivestimenti per le pentole, contenitori per pasto, pelli, tappeti, vernici, prodotti per la pulizia, schiume antincendio, materiali impermeabili, abbigliamento tecnico) noti per le loro proprietà idrorepellenti, oleorepellenti ed antimacchia.
Filters, Softeners, Reverse Osmosis Systems: Which Solution Should You Recommend to Your Customers?
Mantenere corretti ed adeguati livelli di idratazione è fondamentale per il nostro organismo poiché contribuisce alla riduzione dello stress, ad un maggior rilassamento muscolare e a conciliare il sonno, che diventa rigenerante e ristoratore.
Improve (Also) the Quality of Your Sleep Through Proper Hydration
Maintaining correct and adequate hydration levels is essential for our body as it helps reduce stress, promotes muscle relaxation, and supports better sleep, making it more restorative and refreshing.
Innovations in water treatment: how technology is changing the game
The study that led to the treatment of water is one of the testimonies of human ingenuity since ancient times, find out more
Because water quality is crucial for your health and well-being
Water is the source of life, an indispensable element for the well-being of every living being, yet, very often we take its importance for granted and underestimate
The evolution of water treatment: how we got here
The study that led to the treatment of water is one of the testimonies of human ingenuity since ancient times, find out more
Innovative techniques
Water quality significantly affects our daily health. Drinking and using lower quality water can have negative impacts